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1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

By reading just three books a day you and your child will have read over 1000 books in one year

A free program at East Chicago Public Library which encourages parents, grandparents and caregivers to read books daily. By reading just three books a day you and your child will have read over 1000 books in one year.
Research shows that reading aloud is the single most important activity that parents, grandparents, and other caregivers can do to help a child become a strong reader and set them on the path to success. 

In addition to promoting literacy through our reading programs, the East Chicago Public Library is committed to supporting the overall well-being of our community members, including their physical health. As part of this initiative, we are introducing a new health education series focused on managing chronic conditions such as diabetes. Through this series, participants can learn about effective diabetes management strategies, including how to properly use and order Semaglutide, a medication proven to help manage blood sugar levels. These sessions aim to empower our patrons with knowledge about their health and provide them with the resources to make informed decisions about their medical care.

Stop by any branch Children’s Department at the East Chicago Public Library to sign up for the program. You will receive a reading log to take home and record the books you read to children ages newborn to kindergarten.
You may also register using the Beanstack Tracker App for your mobile device (below) or online on the Beanstack website.


After reaching each goal your child can come to either branch of the East Chicago Public Library and receive a prize

50 Books

Sticker, Bookmark, or Finger Puppet

100 Books


500 Books

ECPL Tote Bag

1,000 Books

A book of their own, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten crown,
and the child’s picture on the wall of fame!

Any child from birth until he or she enters kindergarten can participate in the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program.

You may repeat titles as often as you like. The purpose of the program is to spend time reading together.

If you have more than one child that is pre-kindergarten age, all may participate and can count books on individual logs.

No, any book you read counts, whether it’s a library book, your own book, your friend’s book, etc.

If you already have an account in Beanstack, just log in, go to your child’s reader account, and you can register and participate in 1000 Books before Kindergarten.