Meeting Rooms
Meeting Room Policy
The public meeting rooms of the East Chicago Public Library are operated by the Library as part of its community services, in order to provide accommodations and resources to facilitate meetings and conferences between individuals and or groups for informational, educational, recreational, cultural and civic functions. Meeting and study rooms are available at the Main Library and the Pastrick Branch. Reservations are accepted according to advance scheduling. These guidelines are designed to assure the community equal access for the lawful pursuit of activities regardless of beliefs or affiliations.
Click here to download a printable copy of the Meeting Room Agreement

Monday through Thursday: 9am – 7:30pm
Friday and Saturday: 9am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Library Closed (rooms not available)
Main Library, 2401 E. Columbus Drive, East Chicago, IN 46312 (219) 397-2453
Meeting Room – Seats 140
Study Room 1 – Seats 4
Study Room 2 – Seats 6
Robert A. Pastrick Branch, 1008 W. Chicago Avenue, East Chicago, IN 46312 (219) 397-5505
Meeting Room – Seats 140
Conference Room – Seats 76
Study Room – Seats 4
The rooms are primarily used for library related activities, programs and other events co-sponsored by the Library. Library sponsored programs have first priority. Groups using a meeting room must adhere to all of the library’s policies (Fines and Fees Policy, Patron Behavior and Conduct Policy, Unattended Children Policy, Internet Use Policy, etc.). Any use of the meeting rooms must conform to all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. No activity shall be permitted which shall in any manner be potentially destructive to the Library property of disruptive to activities of the Library or other groups using the Library. The use of alcohol shall not be permitted.
The Library Board of Trustees has vested the Library Director with the authority to supervise the meeting room use and interpret these policies. Failure to comply with these regulations or the directive of the designated representative of the Library may result in a cancellation of further use of the Library facilities.
Private gatherings of a social nature such as weddings, showers, birthdays, etc., are not permitted. Only the Library or a library group such as the Friends of the Library may sponsor a fundraising or purely social program in the libraries meeting rooms.
No religious services or evangelism meetings shall be held in the library meeting rooms.
The use of library meeting rooms for political rallies or partisan events shall not be permitted.
Profit oriented groups are prohibited for the use of library meeting rooms unless a particular program is sponsored by the library. No products or services may be advertised or sold.
Usually an attendance fee may not be charged nor may a collection by taken. However, if the library is co-sponsoring a program with a not for profit group or educational institution, a fee may be charged to cover the cost of materials and other expenses. Approval from the Director is required.
Books and other library related materials may be sold at events cosponsored by the library with the approval by the Director.
Meetings must not be of a nature that would interfere with the normal operations of the library.
Study room(s) typically can accommodate 4-8 people at a table with chairs. They are available during library hours on a first come, first serve basis. Reservations can be made at the Circulation Desk with a valid ECPL card or ID. There is no charge for the use of the Study Room(s). Patrons need their valid ECPL card or a valid ID.
- Rooms may be reserved online by clicking here
- The study room(s) can be reserved at the Circulation Desk.
- Library sponsored or co-sponsored programs take precedence over other groups at all times. The library reserves the right to change or cancel reservations if the need arises.
All rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Groups are encouraged to reserve rooms in advance.
Advance notice of 24 hours is requested in the event that a scheduled meeting is to be cancelled.
Agreement forms are valid for one year.
A $7.00 (seven dollar) rental fee will be charged for each meeting room requested by an East Chicago resident with a valid ECPL card.
A $10.00 (ten dollar) rental fee will be charged for each meeting room requested for all other patrons.
- The rental fee is non-refundable if the meeting is not cancelled within 24 hours of the requested date.
The library meeting rooms are available only during regular library hours, Monday through Saturday.
Programs must end 30 minutes prior to library’s scheduled closing time for that day.
Only three meetings may be scheduled at a time for any group or organization to allow others equal opportunity to use the room.
A meeting room agreement form must be completed when a reservation is made.
The library will provide tables, chairs, a podium, coffee pot, audio-visual equipment (ie. Microphone, projector) as requested when a room reservation is made.
All rental fees can be paid with cash or a money order payable to: East Chicago Public Library.
Groups are encouraged to supplement their programs with library materials. Library staff will provide an exhibit of books and other appropriate materials if a request is received at least five business days prior to a program.
Granting the use of its meeting rooms does not imply the library approves of the group the meeting or the ideas presented at the meeting.
Publicity for a meeting by a non-library group in a library meeting room must not be worded in a manner that would imply library sponsorship of the group’s activities.
Government agencies providing a public hearing forum will be exempt from the meeting room rental fees.
Failure to abide by any of these rules or cooperate with library staff will result in loss of meeting room privileges.
Any use of the meeting rooms must conform to all local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
No activity shall be permitted which shall in any manner be potentially destructive to the Library property of disruptive to activities of the Library or other groups using the Library.
Smoking is not permitted in library meeting room or any other library area.
No alcoholic beverages are allowed in library meeting rooms or on library premises.
Groups that would like to use the kitchen facilities must arrange for such use at the time they reserve a meeting room.
All open flames including the use of candles are prohibited by state fire regulations.
Attendance may not exceed the posted capacity of the meeting rooms.
Adult supervision is required for all meetings.
The Library does not provide child care. Adults are responsible for children’s behavior throughout the building.
Each organization assumes the full responsibility for any damages incurred resulting from the use of meeting room facilities. The person who signs the agreement assumes the responsibility for damage to property and equipment during use.
The Library is not liable for injuries to people or damage to or loss of property of organizations using the meeting rooms.